Community Leasing Partners (CLP) is providing information contained on this website, including any downloadable documents, for discussion purposes only in anticipation of engaging in a commercial, arm’s length transaction in which CLP would be acting solely as a principal and not as a municipal advisor, financial advisor or fiduciary to you or any other person or entity. CLP will not have any duties or liability to any person or entity in connection with the information provided herein. The information provided is not intended to be and should not be construed as 'advice' within the meaning of Section 15B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Please consult with your own legal, accounting, tax, financial & other advisors to the extent you deem appropriate.
From our customers
"They were more creative than most financial institutions, eager to help out and make the process simple."
David Abbott
Chairman for Alna Board of Selection
© 2011-2025 Community Leasing Partners. A Division of Community First National Bank
Website Design and Development by Imagemakers